At Think Nutrition, Diagnostic Tests have become pivotal to understanding the root of many health concerns. We offer diagnostic tests from laboratories utilising cutting-edge technologies providing valuable insight and immediate, actionable clinical information to use with our clients. Diagnostic Testing can help to identify factors that may be contributing to your health concerns at a core level, resulting in more effective results for you.
We offer an extensive range of diagnostic tests including Male Hormone Tests and Female Hormone Tests, a Complete Hormones™ Test, Digestive Tests, Comprehensive Gut Tests and Food Intolerance Tests. We also offer the Chronic Fatigue Screen, which tests various biomarkers that can contribute to chronic fatigue. Take a look too, at the Metabolomix+ Test, a unique combination of nutritional tests that provide a personalised assessment of key nutritional biomarkers in your body. All of the tests which we offer are processed at highly respected, state of the art laboratories and utilise a home sample from either saliva, stool or a pinprick of blood.

As more clients take an active role in managing their health and proactive prevention of disease states, these diagnostic tests provide an indepth assessment of certain aspects of a person’s health whether it be hormonal, metabolic, digestive or gut related. With diagnostic testing, we can start to build a picture of which factors need to be rebalanced, detoxified, boosted or strengthened and help you from a foundational level upwards. Offering detailed graphic reports, these diagnostic tests facilitate a better understanding for us to help you with the development of a personalised, focused approach and protocol for you.

A clear mind, healthy weight, positive outlook and an ability to cope with stress are all attributes which our clients aspire to. Unfortunately, in a world of deadlines and juggling time, the body is being put under immense pressure which is causing pathogenic toxins, stress, nutrient deficiencies, metabolic and hormonal imbalances. Rather than the outcome of this being 'nagging' symptoms or even more chronic ones, it is wise to look ahead and use Diagnostic Testing to become aware of any nutrient deficiencies, imbalances or toxicities and be proactive in your approach to your health and wellbeing.
With the exception of Food Intolerance Tests, a Nutrition Consultation is recommended before ordering any tests.
To order a test once you have had your Nutrition Consultation, select the relevant test page and find the test that you have been recommended. Click on the ORDER A TEST button, you will go through to the laboratory website, Genova Diagnostics ( to order your test kit and you will need our practitioner code inorder to proceed. You will find our practitioner code on your original Nutrition Consultation or Coaching booking confirmation email. Find your test in the A-Z list, add the quantity and then click UPDATE, add any other tests, and click CHECKOUT. Once you receive your test kit, please read the Collection Instructions carefully to make sure that you are not taking any medications that may interfere with the test and prevent you from taking it. You will also be shown how send your sample(s) back to the laboratory - please check on these instructions, if your sample(s) must be frozen as soon as they are collected and prior to being transported. When your test results are ready, they are sent to us and once they have been assessed, we shall email them to you. At that point, we shall ask you to make another appointment which you can do again at: Please print off your test result(s) and have them to hand for your next Nutritionist Consultation, when you will be going through the results and a protocol will be set up for you.