Are you feeling tired or exhaustion?
Do you experience anxiety or irritable?
Are your concentration levels lower?
Do you get fuzzy headed or forgetful?
Are you feeling depressed or overwhelmed?
Are you putting on weight for no reason?
Do you experience insomnia?
Are you finding it hard to lose weight?
Are you experiencing low libido?
Are you finding it hard to switch off or relax?
Is it hard to awake up in the morning?
If so, you may be experiencing adrenal stress which can, if left, lead to burnout and a lowered immune system.
Living a fast paced, hectic 21st Century lifestyle can leave you feeling tired, worn out and exhausted. This may also manifest as anxiety, feeling ‘blue’ or depression, headaches, migraines, gaining weight or sudden weightloss especially in the elderly, trouble focusing, poor memory, feeling wired but tired, insomnia or poor sleep patterns, sugar cravings, low libido or a lowered immune system. These are symptoms of adrenal stress, otherwise known as adrenal fatigue and primarily involves two hormones, Cortisol and DHEA.
High amounts of cortisol in the body can lead to long term health imbalances affecting vital insulin levels, blood sugar and the way your body deals with storing fat. It can impact your gut lining causing leaky gut and give rise to an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast and fungus, including Candida, in your gut. This could contribute to IBS, fatigue, bloating, wind, flatulence and constipation or diarrhoea, as well as secondary symptoms such as subfertility, PMS, perimenopausal hot flushes, andropause (male menopause), weight gain, fuzzy head, chest infections and sinusitis. Ultimately, it can cause inflammatory conditions such as IBD, Crohns and diverticulitis which can also influence other parts of the body and give rise to arthritis, fibromyalgia, eczema and psoriasis.
Without intervention, DHEA levels can become depleted and this can lead to a lowered immune system, auto-immune health issues, insomnia, anxiety, forgetfulness, depression or feeling blue, jittery, anxiety, low libido, infertility, exhaustion and burnout. Low DHEA are also a contributing factor in anorexia and bulimia.​ Low levels of DHEA have been shown to be 48% lower in Alzheimer patients than matched controls of the same age.
​To Order Your Test:
A Nutrition Consultation is recommended before ordering any of these tests to ensure that you order the appropriate test for your needs. Please note that when you click on the ORDER A TEST button, you will go through to the Genova Diagnostics website (www.gdx.net/uk/kitordering) to order your test kit and you will need our practitioner code inorder to proceed. You will find our practitioner code on your original Nutrition Consultation or Coaching booking confirmation email. Find your test in the A-Z list, add the quantity and then click UPDATE, add any other tests, and click CHECKOUT. Once you receive your test kit, please read the Collection Instructions carefully to make sure that you are not taking any medications that may interfere with the test and prevent you from taking it. You will also be shown how send your sample(s) back to the laboratory - please check on these instructions, if your sample(s) must be frozen as soon as they are collected and prior to being transported.
With the exception of Food Intolerance Tests, a Nutrition Consultation is recommended before ordering any tests.
Saliva Specimen
CODE: end01
This is our most commonly ordered test and is indicated if you are living a busy, 21st Century life and feeling worn out, exhausted, depressed, forgetfulness, anxiety, overweight, concerned about a lowered immune system or experiencing any secondary symptoms.The Adrenal Stress Profile test is a non invasive salivary hormone test that evaluates bioactive levels of your body’s important stress hormones, Cortisol and DHEA. and serves as a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances. The Adrenal Stress Profile requires 4 saliva samples over one day.
Saliva Specimen
CODE: end05
The Adrenal Thyroid Profile consists of the Adrenal Stress Profile (cortisol and DHEA) as well as testing for urinary active T3 thyroid hormone levels, which can give an accurate reflection of your overall thyroid hormone levels. Adrenal evaluation is commonly considered for people with fatigue and a host of other health complaints resulting from a history of chronic psychological or physiological stress. Adrenal evaluation is also vital for people with hypothyroidism, due to the close interaction of these endocrinal systems.